Graph metrics

RELISON integrates the following graph metrics.

Average shortest path length

As its name indicates, this metric just computes the average shortest path length of a graph. In order to deal with infinite distance edges, we propose two options:

  • Option 1: We only average over those pairs of users at finite distance.

  • Option 2: We obtain the average shortest path length for each strongly connected component of the network, and then, we average the result for the different components.


  • mode: “Non infinite distances” for option 1, “Components” for option 2.

Configuration file

  type: graph
      type: string
      values: ["Non infinite distances", "Components"]

Average reciprocal shortest path length

This metric computes the harmonic mean of the distances between pairs of users:

\[\mbox{ARSL} = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{U}|(|\mathcal{U}|-1)} \sum_{u,v} \frac{1}{\delta(u,v)}\]

where \(\delta(u,v)\) represents the distance between a pair of users.

Configuration file

  type: graph
      type: string
      values: ["Non infinite distances", "Components"]

Clustering coefficient

The global clustering coefficient of a social network graph measures the proportion of closed triads in the network:

\[\mbox{CC}(\mathcal{G}) = \frac{|\{(u,v,w) | u \neq w \wedge (u,v),(v,w),(u,w) \in E\}|}{|\{(u,v,w) | u \neq w \wedge (u,v),(v,w) \in E\}|}\]


  • uSel: selection of the orientation for the first of the two links to consider in the triad (the (u,v) one).

    • IN: we take the (v,u) link.

    • OUT: we take the (u,v) link.

    • UND: we take either the (u,v) or the (v,u) link (the one that exists)

    • MUTUAL: we only consider that the pair (u,v) exists if both (u,v) and (v,u) links exist.

  • vSel: selection of the orientation for the second of the two links in the triad (the (v,w) one).

    • IN: we take the (v,w) link

    • OUT: we take the (w,v) link.

    • UND: we take either the (w,v) or the (v,w) link (the one that exists)

    • MUTUAL: we only consider that the pair (u,v) exists if both (u,v) and (v,u) links exist.

The natural clustering coefficient can be chosen by taking uSel = IN and vSel = OUT.

Configuration file

The configuration file for the original method is the following

Clustering coefficient:
  type: graph
      type: orientation
      values: [IN/OUT/UND/MUTUAL]
      type: orientation
      values: [IN/OUT/UND/MUTUAL]

Clustering coefficient complement

This metric is the complement of the clustering coefficient, as it takes measures the proportion of the open triads in the network.

\[\mbox{CCC}(\mathcal{G}) = \frac{|\{(u,v,w) | u \neq w \wedge (u,w) \notin E \wedge (u,v),(v,w) \in E\}|}{|\{(u,v,w) | u \neq w \wedge (u,v),(v,w) \in E\}|}\]


  • uSel: selection of the orientation for the first of the two links to consider in the triad (the (u,v) one).

    • IN: we take the (v,u) link.

    • OUT: we take the (u,v) link.

    • UND: we take either the (u,v) or the (v,u) link (the one that exists)

    • MUTUAL: we only consider that the pair (u,v) exists if both (u,v) and (v,u) links exist.

  • vSel: selection of the orientation for the second of the two links in the triad (the (v,w) one).

    • IN: we take the (v,w) link

    • OUT: we take the (w,v) link.

    • UND: we take either the (w,v) or the (v,w) link (the one that exists)

    • MUTUAL: we only consider that the pair (u,v) exists if both (u,v) and (v,u) links exist.

The natural clustering coefficient can be chosen by taking uSel = IN and vSel = OUT.

Configuration file

The configuration file for the original method is the following

Clustering coefficient complement:
  type: graph
      type: orientation
      values: [IN/OUT/UND/MUTUAL]
      type: orientation
      values: [IN/OUT/UND/MUTUAL]

Degree assortativity

The degree assortativity measures to what extent users create links towards similar users in terms of their degree (i.e. if users with small degree create links towards users with small degrees and users with large degree create links towards users with large degree) or not.

In undirected networks, it is computed as:

\[\mbox{Assortativity}(\mathcal{G}) = \frac{2\cdot|E|\cdot \sum_(u,v) |\Gamma(u)||\Gamma(v)| - \left(\sum_u |\Gamma(u)|^2\right)^2}{4m \sum_{u} |\Gamma(u)|^3 - \left(\sum_u |\Gamma(u)|^2\right)^2}\]

Reference : M.E.J. Newman. Mixing patterns in networks. Physical Review E, 67 026126 (2003)


  • orientation: selection for the degree to use.

    • IN: we take the incoming neighbors of the users.

    • OUT: we take the outgoing neighbors of the users.

    • UND: we take the incoming and outgoing neighbors of the users.

    • MUTUAL: we take those neighbors who are both incoming and outgoing at the same time.

Configuration file

The configuration file for the original method is the following

Degree assortativity:
  type: graph
      type: orientation
      values: [IN/OUT/UND/MUTUAL]

Degree Pearson correlation

The degree assortativity measures the Pearson correlation of the degrees between the origin and destination endpoints of the nodes.

\[\mbox{Pearson}(\mathcal{G}) = \frac{\sum_{(u,v) \in E} |\Gamma(u)||\Gamma(v)|}{\sqrt{\sum_{u} |\Gamma(u)|^2 \cdot \sum_{v} |\Gamma(v)|^2}}\]


  • uSel: selection of the orientation for the neighborhood of the starting node of the edges. This allows the following values:

    • IN: we take the incoming neighbors of the users.

    • OUT: we take the outgoing neighbors of the users.

    • UND: we take the incoming and outgoing neighbors of the users.

    • MUTUAL: we take those neighbors who are both incoming and outgoing at the same time.

  • vSel: selection of the orientation for the neighborhood of the ending node of the edges. This allows the following values:

    • IN: we take the incoming neighbors of the users.

    • OUT: we take the outgoing neighbors of the users.

    • UND: we take the incoming and outgoing neighbors of the users.

    • MUTUAL: we take those neighbors who are both incoming and outgoing at the same time.

Configuration file

The configuration file for the original method is the following

Degree Pearson:
  type: graph
      type: orientation
      values: [IN/OUT/UND/MUTUAL]
      type: orientation
      values: [IN/OUT/UND/MUTUAL]

Degree Gini complement

The degree Gini complement indicates how balanced the degree distribution of the network is. Values close to one indicate that the degree distribution is flat, whereas values close to 0 show that a few users concentrate all the links in the network.

\[\mbox{DegreeGiniCompl}(\mathcal{G}) = 1 - \frac{1}{|\mathcal{U}|-1} \sum_{i = 1}^{|\mathcal{U}|} (2i - |\mathcal{U}| - 1) \frac{|\Gamma(u_i)|}{\sum_v |\Gamma(v)|}\]

where \(\Gamma(u)\) is the neighborhood of user \(u\) and \(u_i\) is the i-th node in the network with the smaller degree.


  • orientation: selects the type of degree we use (only affects directed networks).

    • IN: we take the in-degree of the users.

    • OUT: we take the out-degree of the users.

    • UND: we take the undirected degree of the users (in-degree + out-degree)

    • MUTUAL: we take as the degree the number of mutual links.

Configuration file

The configuration file for the original method is the following

Degree Gini Complement:
  type: graph
      type: orientation
      values: [IN/OUT/UND/MUTUAL]


The density of a network measures the proportion of the possible number of edges between nodes which exist in the network. This metric does not consider selfloops.

\[\mbox{Density}(\mathcal{G}) = \frac{|E|}{|\mathcal{U}|(|\mathcal{U}|-1)}\]

Configuration file

The configuration file for the original method is the following

  type: graph


The diameter of a network measures the maximum (finite) distance between two users in the network.

\[\mbox{Diameter}(\mathcal{G}) = \max_{(u,v) : \delta(u,v) < \infty} \delta(u,v)\]

It is equivalent to the maximum eccentricity of the network.

Configuration file

The configuration file for the original method is the following

  type: graph

Edge Gini complement

The edge Gini complement computes how balanced the number of links between different pairs of user is. This metric has only sense over multigraphs, where multiple links between users are allowed. The metric formulation is similar to:

\[\mbox{EdgeGini}(\mathcal{G}) = 1 - \frac{1}{|\mathcal{U}|(|\mathcal{U}|-1)} \sum_{i = 1}^{|\mathcal{U}|(|\mathcal{U}|-1)} (2i - |\mathcal{U}|(|\mathcal{U}|-1) - 1) \frac{|\{(u,v)_i \in E\}|}{|E|}\]

where \((u,v)_i\) is the i-th pair of users with an smaller number of links.

We differentiate three variants:

  • Inter edge Gini complement: This metric does not consider the selfloops between the users. It takes the previous equation (considering that \(E\) does not have selfloops).

  • Semi-complete edge Gini complement: This metric stores selfloops as a different category for the Gini index, i.e. we add an element to the sum, counting the total number of selfloops in the network.

  • Complete edge Gini complement: This metric considers selfloops. In the previous equation, we would just need to substitute \(|\mathcal{U}|(|\mathcal{U}|-1)\) by \(|\mathcal{U}|^2\) when it appears.

Configuration file

The configuration for the inter edge Gini complement is:

Inter edge Gini complement:
  type: graph

For the semi-complete variant is:

Semi-complete edge Gini complement:
  type: graph

and, finally, the version considering selfloops is:

Complete edge Gini complement:
  type: graph

Infinite distances

This metric measures the number of node pairs which do not have a path between the first and the second in the network.

Configuration file

Infinite distances:
  type: graph


If we consider the eccentricity values of all the users (i.e. the maximum finite distance between a user and the rest of the network), the radius represents its minimum value.

\[\mbox{Radius}(\mathcal{G}) = \min_{u}\left(\max_{v : \delta(u,v) < \infty} \delta(u,v)\right)\]

where \(\delta(u,v)\) represents the distance between two users.

Configuration file

  type: graph

Reciprocal average eccentricity

This metric computes the inverse value of the average eccentricity of the network.

If we consider the eccentricity values of all the users (i.e. the maximum finite distance between a user and the rest of the network), the radius represents its minimum value.

\[\mbox{RAE}(\mathcal{G}) = \frac{|\mathcal{U}|}{\sum_{u} \mbox{Eccentricity}(u)}\]
    1. Sanz-Cruzado, S.M. Pepa, P. Castells. Structural novelty and diversity in link prediction. 9th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM 2018) at The Web Conference (WWW 2018). The Web Conference Companion, pp. 1347–1351.

    1. Sanz-Cruzado, P. Castells. Beyond Accuracy in Link Prediction. BIAS 2020: Bias and Social Aspects in Search and Recommendation, pp 79-94.

Configuration file

Reciprocal average eccentricity:
  type: graph

Reciprocal diameter

This metric computes the inverse value of the diameter (see Diameter), so, when distances are reduced among the users in the network, the value of this metric increases.

If we consider the eccentricity values of all the users (i.e. the maximum finite distance between a user and the rest of the network), the radius represents its minimum value.

\[\mbox{RD}(\mathcal{G}) = \frac{1}{\mbox{Diameter}(\mathcal{G})}\]

where \(\delta(u,v)\) represents the distance between two users.

    1. Sanz-Cruzado, S.M. Pepa, P. Castells. Structural novelty and diversity in link prediction. 9th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM 2018) at The Web Conference (WWW 2018). The Web Conference Companion, pp. 1347–1351.

    1. Sanz-Cruzado, P. Castells. Beyond Accuracy in Link Prediction. BIAS 2020: Bias and Social Aspects in Search and Recommendation, pp 79-94.

Configuration file

Reciprocal diameter:
  type: graph

Reciprocity rate

This metric computes the proportion of the edges in the network which are reciprocal.

\[\mbox{Reciprocity}(\mathcal{G}) = \frac{|\{(u,v) \in E | (v,u) \in E\}|}{|E|}\]

where \(\delta(u,v)\) represents the distance between two users.

    1. Sanz-Cruzado, S.M. Pepa, P. Castells. Structural novelty and diversity in link prediction. 9th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM 2018) at The Web Conference (WWW 2018). The Web Conference Companion, pp. 1347–1351.

    1. Sanz-Cruzado, P. Castells. Beyond Accuracy in Link Prediction. BIAS 2020: Bias and Social Aspects in Search and Recommendation, pp 79-94.

Configuration file

  type: graph