Sight mechanisms

Once some information pieces have been received, users do not pay the same attention to all of them: they just read some of them, who they might be interested in. This mechanism models this: it allows to select which information pieces are observed by the user. We provide the following sight mechanisms in RELISON:


This mechanism makes users see all the information pieces they have received.

Configuration file

  name: All

All not discarded

The users read all the received user-generated contents which have not been discarded earlier by the expiration mechanism.

Configuration file

  name: All not discarded

All not propagated

The users read all the received user-generated contents which have not been propagated earlier by the user.

Configuration file

  name: All not propagated

All not discarded nor propagated

A combination of the All not discarded and All not propagated mechanisms: a user sees all the information pieces who he has never propagated or discarded in earlier iterations.

Configuration file

  name: All not propagated nor discarded

All train

When this mechanism is used, each user sees all the information pieces not coming from recommended users, and which have not previously propagated by the user.

  • IN: it considers the incoming neighborhood of the target user.

  • OUT: it considers the outgoing neighborhood of the target user.

  • UND: it considers the all the possible neighbors of the target users (\(\Gamma_{out}(u) \cup \Gamma_{in}(u)\))

  • MUTUAL: it considers as neighbors those who share a reciprocal link with the target user (\(\Gamma_{out}(u) \cap \Gamma_{in}(u)\))

Configuration file

  name: All train
      type: orientation
      value: IN/OUT/UND/MUTUAL


Each user sees, at most, a pre-determined number of the received information pieces.


  • numSight: the maximum number of pieces each user sees.

Configuration file

  name: Count
      type: int
      value: number_of_pieces