RELISON is a library working with the following operating systems:

  • Linux

  • Windows 10

It requires Java version 14 or later.

Install from source


The recommended way to use RELISON is through Maven. This will allow you to automatically download all the necessary dependencies to work with this framework. In order to download the sources and install the library in your Maven repository, you just have to execute the following command:

git clone
mvn install

Afterwards, if you just want to use the main programs provided with the code, you have to compile the examples package. For this, do the following:

cd Relison-examples
mvn clean compile assembly:single

This will create an executable JAR which can be used to access any of the provided programs. If, instead, you want to integrate a RELISON module in your project, you will need to add it as a dependency as follows:


where [module-name] indicates the name of the module you want to import.


In case you do not want to use Maven, you just need to compile the library into JAR files. In order to do that, the following libraries (and their dependencies) are needed: